Sometimes you’re told you have 10 minutes to say goodbye:
I couldn’t believe I was doing this, I couldn’t believe that I had to.
I’m blasting Nickelback’s, “If Today Was Your Last Day”
For little 7 year old Conner Jones, today was his last day, his last breath, his last time being wrapped in the arms of his mother, tomorrow is too late.
Cystic Fibrosis stole another precious life from a devastated family.
Cystic Fibrosis steals a life every single day, 365 days a year.
Cystic Fibrosis is the epitome of evil.
Am I’m crying? Yes.
But I’m pissed-off more.
How dare life be unbearably hard and hurt so much for some people?
How dare others waste their days like the world owed them _______ (happiness, a new car, a promotion...fill in the blank.)
News flash people, the world owes you nothing. Got that?
It’s up to you to find value, meaning, and purpose.
It’s up to you to work at it.
Today, right now, I have no patience for selfish- egocentric-morons.
Tell Conner’s mom about the ridiculously long line you had to wait in for your new iphone while she’s picking out an outfit for Conner to be buried in.
Tell her about your chipped nailpolish, your broken pool heater, the exorbitant price of your Disney family vacation. I dare you.
Did I mention how pissed I am?
I’m angry, frustrated and I’m heartbroken.
Granted there are many illnesses out there that people struggle with everyday. I get that.
I get that there is stress, tough times and hardships in everyone’s life. I get that too.
That’s not what I’m talking about here, I’m talking about those people that create drama by their poor choices not by life’s circumstance. Those that have “it” all and waste it like it was yesterday’s news. Those that find meaningless problems some of us wish we had.
Yeah, them.
Tell them about Emily, who does two hour breathing treatments just to breathe. Tell Emily and who has committed herself to exhausting daily workouts to achieve her goal of riding her bike city to city.
Tell Ronnie who has CF, was told his life expectancy is "now up to" 37, and has spent more time in a hospital than he can count, who defies CF’s fatal reach by not only writing an amazingly inspirational blog but is planning for his fabulous future with beautiful wife Mandi.
Tell Ali and Christina, sisters who both have CF, who were told at a young age that their lungs would never allow them to sing.
Tell them how hard you have it.
Hello people… this life ain’t no dress rehearsal!
Each day is a gift.
Each day is an opportunity to pursue your dreams.
Each day is all you have to give all you’ve got.
When do you stop giving?
When do you say goodbye?
I never said “goodbye” to Jena and I never will.
She’s in my heart forever; alive and well.
I’ll never stop fighting for CF until it means Cure Found.
Little Connerman and Jena gave us more love in their little lives than I could have ever imagined.
The world owes me nothing, yet I owe the world everything.
I think that’s a fair trade.